The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
Medicines are transforming our lives like never before.
We want the UK to be the best place in the world to research, develop and use the medicines and vaccines of the future.
Latest news and blogs
The value of industry clinical trials to the UK
Industry clinical trials deliver significant value to the UK economy, the NHS, and the UK’s research and development base.
Accelerating transformation: How to develop effective NHS-industry partnerships
The NHS Confederation and the ABPI have created new guidance on how to create effective NHS-industry partnerships. It was created with the expertise of more than 30 NHS and industry leaders.
NHS Industry Case Studies Library
Partnerships between the NHS and the pharmaceutical industry benefit patients and the NHS. Visit the ABPI's library of case studies of successful partnerships.
NICE/DSU/ABPI masterclass – Methods for the analysis of non-randomised, patient level data for the estimation of treatment effects
NICE and the ABPI invite you to the third event in the NICE/DSU/ABPI Masterclass Programme in 2024 – Methods for the analysis of non-randomised, patient level data for the estimation of treatment effects
SAVE THE DATE - ABPI Reputation Event 2024
NICE/DSU/ABPI Masterclass: Methods for mapping health utilities for NICE
NICE and the ABPI invite you to the fourth and final event in the NICE/DSU/ABPI Masterclass Programme in 2024 – Methods for mapping health utilities for NICE
PMCPA Code of Practice Seminar
The training will cover the requirements of the Code of Practice and procedures followed by the PMCPA, the Code of Practice Panel and the Code of Practice Appeal Board.
Key facts and figures for the pharmaceutical industry in the UK
Turnover [6]
investment in UK R&D (more than UKRI’s entire annual budget) [3]
direct Gross Value Added (GVA) [1]
Key content hubs
The COP28 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
As a critical part of the health care community in the UK, the pharmaceutical industry wants to play the biggest possible role in the response to COVID-19.
The ABPI Code of Practice sets out the requirements the industry must comply with and supports companies’ commitment to self-regulation and to operate in a professional, ethical and transparent manner.
Blog |
Familiarity and trust: Why it matters to industry reputation and what we can we do about it
Jill Pearcy, the ABPI's Director of reputation at the ABPI, talks about why familiarity and trust matters to the pharmaceutical industry.
Blog |
June’s story of sickle cell
June has sickle cell, a genetic blood disorder that affects the red blood cells. She is one of the 1 in 17 people with a rare disease in the UK.
Upcoming Event |
NICE/DSU/ABPI masterclass – Methods for the analysis of non-randomised, patient level data for the estimation of treatment effects
NICE and the ABPI invite you to the third event in the NICE/DSU/ABPI Masterclass Programme in 2024 – Methods for the analysis of non-randomised, patient level data for the estimation of treatment effects
Upcoming Event |